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Infos Sports of Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Source: cameroon-info.net

Abdouraman Hamadou reacts to letter from FIFA

The former Director of the cabinet, Iya Mohammed thinks that FIFA only has contempt for Cameroon and its laws.

In a correspondence addressed to Joseph Owona, Chairman of the standards Committee of the Cameroon football Federation (Fecafoot) last week, Jerome Valke, Secretary-General of FIFA objected to the decision of Board of Conciliation and arbitration of the National Olympic Committee and sports of Cameroon (CONOSC), invalidating the General Assembly which enabled them to adopt the new texts of the Cameroon Football Federation August 23, 2014.

"We are surprised about the unilateral awards of the Board of conciliation and arbitration of the national Committee of Olympic and sports of Cameroon while arbitration principles assume a prior agreement of the parties involved, which only seems to have been the case of the Fecafoot in this case."

He wrote before recalling that "FIFA member associations are required to manage their affairs in an independent way and without any interference from third parties (articles 13 and 17 of the Fifa statutes) otherwise they may be punished, he warned.

Reacting to this letter from Fifa, Abdouraman Hamadou, who was the initiator of the complaint filed with the Conciliation Board of arbitration of the National Olympic Committee and sports denounced the “contempt for Cameroon as a State and the Cameroonian laws." "It's contempt for the institutions of our country; we cannot accept this.

The Cameroon football federation is affiliated to FIFA. It has its rights and duties. During his stay in Cameroon, Blatter (Fifa president) well said that federations must comply with national laws. We have a law that has never been challenged by Fifa. We here are in the administration of this Act and there is no reason why one would object to compliance with this Act, he denounced in an interview with Camfoot.

The former Director of the cabinet of Iya Mohammed said he was shocked by this letter from Jerome Valke and said that "we hope that one day we'll understand on what basis he wrote this letter. Abdouraman Hamadou continued to support that the new Constitution adopted at the Fecafoot were contrary to law. "There are people in the Fecafoot who have contempt for this Cameroonian legislation. We have a law passed by the National Assembly of Cameroon and promulgated by the head of State and it must be respected. The law must be put in force.

We must not accept that a Cameroonian or group of Cameroonians, regardless of its intellectual level, or their social position or their academic reference, we cannot accept them to violate the law, because no one is above the law". He concluded.