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Infos Business of Monday, 27 October 2014

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Total execution of 2014BIP in all regions stands at 49%

The Department of public procurement (Minmap) recently conducted a national assessment of contracting and execution of the budget of public investment markets in ten areas.

In global perspective (all regions), in mid-October, 2765 contracts were signed and notified, marking a 94.8% rate of progress. 2620 projects have started and 49% of contracts are actually already executed. 29% of executed contracts are already received which corresponds to 797 contracts where 58.4 billion was also awarded.

From October 15, 2014, the eastern region ranked first in this table. Three main criteria were used to establish the ranking: launch rate, level of contracts signed and the rate of contracts already executed. For example it was noted that in the East, 190 202 programmed projects have actually been signed and notified.

In order of ranking, the far North is ranked second, followed by the North West; Adamawa; South; the Centre; the littoral; West; the Southwest and North.

However, it must be said that regional situations compared to the BIP vary from one region to the other.