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Infos Sports of Saturday, 25 October 2014

Source: cafonline.com

The mentally strong team will be victorious - Ngachu

Cameroon coach Enow Ngachu has said that mental toughness will be the deciding factor in Saturday’s final against the Super Falcons of Nigeria.

‘Les Lionnes’ are hoping to be crowned African champions for first time when they face favourites and neighbours Nigeria, in the encounter that will draw the curtains down on the TN Mobile 9th African Women Championship.

Ngachu, who was the coach of Cameroon, when they suffered a 5-0 thrashing against Nigeria in the final of the 2004 edition told Cafonline.com “the mentally strong team will be victorious and we have tried to galvanize our players in that regard since it will be a more physical game.

“It is a coincidence that I was coach at that time and we have one player of that squad with us (Cathy Mou Ndjouh). We had an ageing generation and after that game we have rebuild the team.

“This team has been together for eight years. They have been consistent and know each other”.

With qualification for the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup already secured, Ngachu affgirmed their mission won’t be complete without the title.

“We came here not only to qualify for the World Cup but to win the trophy as well. We will be praying it will be a good day for us. After our semi-final game, we went back to see what went wrong. We are looking forward to the game against Nigeria.”

Rivalry rekindled, Nigeria are favourites

Matches between the two countries at any level are always very competitive and Ngachu, who has tagged the six-time winners’ favourites expects the final encounter to follow the same trend.

“We are brothers and have the same history. Nigeria is a big football nation and amongst the best in the world. Looking at the results so far, they (Nigeria) have scored 14 goals and have shown that they are the best in Africa.

“It’s going to be tough but we always have an extra motivation to play against Nigeria. We have been preparing for three years and will do our best to go home with the trophy.

Spirit of patriotism reigns in camp

‘Les Lionnes’ have reached thus far with no financial motivation due to unpaid bonuses, but the Cameroon trainer has ruled out the effect of the situation on their chances.

“We left Cameroon for here without a single CFA Franc and the way we have played has been very convincing. Nobody is complaining. We are in Africa and the spirit of patriotism must be there. We prepared ourseleves to play five games at the tournament. Our objective was first to qualify for the World Cup and secondly, go back with the trophy.

It took a Christine Manie 118th minute goal to edge the Ivorians 2-1 in the semis clash last Wednesday, and Ngachu is convinced his team has recovered from the rigours of playing in extra time.

“When a team plays 120 minutes, it is true that the one that plays 90-minutes will recover faster. However, we know how to make the girls recover faster.

“We have told the players what to do and I believe some mistakes that occurred in the semis won’t repeat itself in the final.”

Apart from Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea is the only other team to have laid their hands on the ‘Holy Grail’ of women’s football, winning it 2008 and 2012.