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Infos Sports of Friday, 24 October 2014

Source: africanfootball.com

Falcons promise to beat Cameroon and win AWC

Super Falcons of Nigeria have vowed to beat their arch-rivals Cameroon in the AWC final on Saturday at the Sam Nujoma Stadium in Windhoek, Namibia.

Super Falcons media officer Gracious Akujobi sounded out some of the players on their preparedness to win the title for a record seventh time and the responses she got was that of a group ready to do their country proud as their battle cry was: "Cameroon cannot stop us".


It will be a very sweet revenge. All I have to say concerning the final game is we are going all out for victory, I don't care the score line all I'm thinking and going for is the victory.


I was not part of the team who lost two years ago, but we are sure going for victory. Nothing less than victory.


Two years ago for the third-place match we lost to Cameroon in a match we thought we would have salvaged something. I am thinking revenge. I think it's good to meet them again back-to-back just like what happened with South Africa, so I think we will give the same fight we gave to South Africa. We will win, but I don't know by what scores.


I am not exactly thinking revenge because I don't see them stopping us. The team I feared before we arrived for the AWC was South Africa, but that is done and dusted now. We are definitely coming out victorious, we will win the trophy,I can't say this is the exact scoreline but I know we are winning.


We will win the match against Cameroon. They cannot stop us just as South Africa did not stop us.


We cannot afford to lose in the final to Cameroon. We are ready for them and I want to promise Nigerians that the Super Falcons will return to the country with the cup. There is no stopping us now.


Cameroon are our regular bitter foes and they know that we know how to handle them. They will be tough and will want to beat us and win the AWC for the first time, but we will not give them room to get anywhere near the trophy. Cameroon will fall by the grace of God.


Having worked so hard to reach the final, we will not allow Cameroon to spoil things for us. We are focused and will give the final game all our efforts to ensure that we win the cup and go to the World Cup in Canada as the queens of Africa. In 2012, they beat us in the third-place match, it is our turn to revenge and they must lose.


All I know is that I will play my heart out to ensure that we get a good result on Saturday. We are determined to beat them and reclaim the title. We know it will not be easy because it is the final, but we shall also be ready for them. No tension, we shall win.


By God's grace we shall win the cup. All we need to do is to raise our game and not underrate the Cameroon. We have to play our game to win.


I will try to shut them out by ensuring that they do not score but that is if I get the nod to start the final. We shall do our best to get a result that will win the cup for Nigeria. I don't care by what scoreline we win, all I want is the trophy.


Cameroon are in trouble, we shall beat them and win the cup. It is vengeance time for us. I will lift my game to help Falcons to reclaim the title.


Cameroon cannot stop my dream of being African champions. We shall raise our game to ensure that we take our pound of flesh from them. They beat us the last time we met at AWC in the third place game. Though we beat them 1-0 in a friendly in Abuja early this year, we know it won't be easy but we shall win.


The next day (after final) 26th is our birthday 'Smiles' .(The media officer and Ceciia share same birth date).There is no better birthday gift than the trophy.By God's grace we will win.


I have told my team mates that it is the title or nothing else. We are primed to reclaim the trophy we lost two years ago. We have reached this stage by the grace of God and with total commitment of the other players, we shall win the cup for president Goodluck Jonathan and as a welcome on board the NFF for our new president Amaju Pinnick.