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Infos Business of Friday, 19 September 2014

Source: Investir au Cameroun

Second bridge over Wouri, 25% complete

Ten months after the laying of the first stone on the 2nd bridge over the Wouri River by the head of State, Paul Biya, the construction of this infrastructure work which connects the West, Northwest and southwest to the Littoral, is already 25% constructed according to the project officials.

The work funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) for over 110 billion Cfa francs, is built by a consortium led by Sogea-Satom. 500 jobs have already been created on initial forecasts of 550. 800 metres long, the 2nd bridge over the Wouri, in the Cameroonian economic capital, will be 2km from sidings and a width of 25 metres.

It is expected to host five roads and 2 rail, according to the description made by the head of the Cameroonian State November 14, 2013, during the official launch of the work