Vous-êtes ici: AccueilActualités2014 09 07Article 310891

Infos Business of Sunday, 7 September 2014

Source: APA

Cameroon inflation rises to 1.1 percent

Cameroon’s consumer inflation rose to 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2014 compared with the same period last year, the statistics bureau said on Saturday.

On average over the last twelve months consumer inflation rose to 5 percent against 2.3 percent for the same period a year ago.

According to the statistics bureau, Food inflation, which is the biggest contributor to the headline index, rose to 2.4 percent, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics 2.8 percent and goods and services, housing, water, electricity and other fuels 2.4 percent.

Over the past year, inflation has been driven by both local and imported goods, increasing by 1.5 percent and 1.2 percent respectively.

The inflation rate is projected at around 5 percent by the end of 2014 if there will be no external shock such as increase in fuel prices.