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Infos Sports of Thursday, 1 August 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

National Olympic Committee In Quest Of Excellence

An agreement for hosting DIXIADES 2014 was signed between the National Olympic Committee and the Yaounde City Council on Wednesday, July 31, 2013.

The National Olympic and Sports Committee yesterday signed a protocol agreement with the Yaounde city council towards an excellent organization of the fourth edition of the national games dubbed DIXIADES which will take place in Yaounde next year.

Speaking during the signing ceremony which took place at the banquet hall of the Yaounde city council head office, the president of the Olympic Committee said the first three editions of the games were regarded as experimentation. Now, things have to move up a higher gear in terms of transportation, lodging, feeding and compensating laureates during the games. He said the upcoming edition in Yaounde should be a reference expressing confidence in the Yaounde city council to accompany the Olympic committee in this endeavour.

The Government delegate to the Yaounde city council, Gilbert Tsimi Evouna reiterated the fact that he had given his word for the council to sponsor the event and that he is going to keep to his word.

The Secretary General of the Olympic Committee, Emmanuel Abolo, presented the track record of the Olympic movement internationally and nationally. He said the national games were instituted to usher the detection and grooming of young talents, boost sports infrastructural development and serve as a meeting point for youths all over the nation.

The Governor of the Centre Region, Roger Eyene Nlom, said his presence at the ceremony was proof of government's concern for the games and promised to see to it that the games take place hitch-free. Also in attendance was the senior Divisional Officer for Mfoundi, Tsila Jean Claude and Augustin Edzoa who was the Minister of Sports and Physical Education when the games were instituted in 2010.

The competition takes place in twelve Olympic sports disciplines comprising athletics, basketball, boxing, football, gymnastics, weight lifting, handball, judo, wrestling, table tennis and volleyball.