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Infos Sports of Monday, 29 July 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Research Stakeholders Advocate Sustained Risk Surveillance

This is among recommendations of the just-ended 4th edition of JERSIC.

Scientific researchers and innovators in the country have lauded government's efforts to pre-empt natural disasters and cushion its effects but pleaded that for double assurance, there is need to intensify surveillance to nib impending disasters in the bud.

They said although government created a disaster management fund after the 2012 floods in the country that claimed human and animal lives, there is urgent need for all stakeholders to work as a team and for the State to create a support fund for research on disaster management.

This is contained in the recommendations of the fourth edition of the Excellence Days for Scientific Research and Innovation (JERSIC 2013) that held from July 23-25 on the theme, "Scientific research and technology in the face of natural catastrophes in Cameroon: Challenges and prospects." The scientific researchers also prayed stakeholders of giant projects in the country to integrate disaster management in their work plans, for government to come up with methods of conserving food items in areas of catastrophes as well as draw up an inclusive climate change management plan so as to be able to forestall disasters.

The highpoint of the closing ceremony at the Yaounde Hilton on Thursday July 25 in what organisers termed, "Grand Night of Scientific Research and Innovation" was the award of the Head of State's prize christened, "Lion d'or." The Institute of Geological and Mining Research (IRGM) bagged the lion-like bronze prize and a cheque of FCFA 20 million for its strides in degassing Lakes Nyos and Monoun. Handing over the award to the Director of IGRM, Victor Joseph Hell, the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI), Madeleine Tchuinte, said intense work by the institute over the years brought down the level of gas in the lakes to risk-free levels, reassuring government and partners that the Lakes Nyos and Monoum disasters of August 21, 1986 and August 14, 1984 respectively that claimed hundreds of human and animal lives are under check.

She said nothing will be left to chance for research-related government ministries to work in synergy to expand the findings of researchers for fruits to be visible in the country's socio-economic development. Scientific research and innovation, she noted, will also be intensified for more discoveries needed to transform emergence from a mere vision to concrete accomplishments with much to gain for the population and the government.