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Actualités of Monday, 29 July 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Blind Youths Acquire Skills

A workshop to empower blind people opened in Yaounde on July 26, 2013.

A two-day seminar to train bind youths on administrative and financial management of income generating projects ended in Yaounde on July 26, 2013.

Organised by the National Association of the Blind in Cameroon (ANAC) in collaboration with the Francophone Union of Blind People, the workshop brought together 30 participants from across the country. The workshop held on the theme "What Cameroon for young blind youths in horizon 2035: Stakes, challenges and perspectives.

The objective of the workshop was to give blind youths a good academic profile and to facilitate creation of informal but fruitful jobs. For three days the participants were drilled on topics such as project writing, financial report coupled with a chronological presentation of bills, management of projects: economic, individual or collective in a hostile environment for blind people, actors of development, commercialisation of natural honey, packaging, storage system, research of sales point in big economic and political metropolis in Cameroon. The training will also enable the blind youths to benefit from financial assistance to enable them become autonomous.

Prior to the workshop, the President of the ANAC, Paul Tezanou granted a press conference in Yaounde on the election of Paul Tezanou as president of the Francophone Union of Blind People for a period of five years. Paul Tezanou is the first African to hold the post since its creation in 1996. During the press conference the president revisited the participation and integration of the members of ANAC in the political life of Cameroon and above all the participation of this group in the ongoing electoral process in Cameroon.