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Infos Business of Friday, 25 July 2014

Source: African Press Agency

"Irregularities may be detrimental to ITEI membership"

A dozen civil society organizations challenged the Government of Cameroon concerning the functioning of the national Committee of Initiative for Transparency in the Extractive Industries (ITEI), notably by making public its worries over the absence of actions to allow Cameroon maintain itself within its structure.

This is because "induction of Cameroon in accordance with country status is not an end in itself", these organizations point out that the maintenance of Cameroon within this space passes by "an assessment of the results and the impact of the implementation of the EITI on governance of natural resources.

Civil society says they have found a number of irregularities that may be detrimental to Cameroon for membership within this grouping.

They, among other things, referred to the delay in the publication of the annual report, in accordance with the regulatory provisions, which preferred the report to be published no later than July 1, 2014, not to mention that the technical secretariat put in place for the production of this report" failed to meet the clear principles in the implementation of support put in place by the initiative.

Cameroon was finally admitted to ITEI last year after several unsuccessful attempts. Its suspension for failure to comply with the provisions in force would be a big failure after so much effort.