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Actualités of Thursday, 18 July 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Agriculture in Africa - Cameroon Adheres To Comprehensive Programme

Cameroon is henceforth part of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme, CAADP. Prime Minister, Head of Government, Philemon Yang yesterday, July 17, 2013 chaired and headed government's team in signing documents of the pact for the programme, officially declaring Cameroon's commitment to put in place its basic principles and values. African Heads of State established the programme as part of the New Partnership Agreement for Africa's Development, NEPAD in July 2003 when they met in Maputo, Mozambique with the focus to improve and promote agriculture across Africa. They pledged to allocate 10 per cent of their national budgets to agriculture.

Prime Minister Philemon Yang while chairing the ceremony, called on all parties to the pact on the comprehensive development programme to mobilize in order to ensure the success of Cameroon's agricultural policy. The Prime Minister on October 13, 2011 wrote a letter to the Executive Secretary of NEPAD committing the country in the process of putting in place of the programme. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Essimi Menye talking to the press after the event, said the signing of documents on the pact of the programme will help the government to put in place the National Programme for Investment in Agriculture. He further said government will put in place all instruments and implement orientations so that by December 2013, the National Programme for Investment in Agriculture be tabled to the Head of State. Cameroon, the Minister said, plans to boost agricultural production from the current 4 per cent to 10 per cent by 2020.

The different parties that signed the pact on the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme declared their commitment to work with government to boost agricultural production. After the presentation of the pact document, the representative of NEPAD and African Union, AU, Mariam Sow Soumare promised the support of the AU to the success of the programme. The Deputy Secretary General of the Economic Community of Central African States, ECCAS, Tchoungui Roger also pledged the support of the organisation. After the Prime Minister's keynote address, the pact document was signed. Parties that signed the document included representatives of the government of Cameroon, ECCAS, AU, civil society organisations, professional sector, producers and technical and financial partners.