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Actualités of Thursday, 18 July 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

JERSIC 2013 - How Research CAN Pre-empt Natural Catastrophes!

Scientific Research and Innovation Minister gave a press briefing to that effect yesterday July 17,2013.

Scientific researchers and innovators begin meeting in Yaounde on July 23-25, 2013 to discuss the role of scientific research and innovation in pre-empting natural disasters, examine results obtained thus far and jointly seek ways of networking to dot the country with a disaster management plan capable of efficiently handling impending disasters. This is within the framework of the fourth edition of the Excellence Days for Scientific Research and Innovation (JERSIC 2013) to hold on the theme, "Scientific research and technology in the face of natural catastrophes in Cameroon: Challenges and the way forward."

Disturbing Trends

Minister Madeleine Tchuinte disclosed during the press briefing yesterday July 17 that between 1994 and 2004, natural catastrophes affected over 2.8 billion people the world over orchestrating the death of over 796, 408. In Cameroon, the situation has not been at best. The 2012 floods in the North, Far North, North West and East Regions left untold damage to both man and animal. Garoua in 1988, Douala in 2000, Limbe in 2001 and Yabassi in 2005, she said, also witnessed disastrous floods. Volcanic eruptions on Mount Cameroon, Lakes Nyos and Monoum disasters in the North West and West Regions in August 21, 1986 and August 14, 1984 respectively with the hundreds of human and animal lives they claimed, the Minister observed, have left difficult-to-heal pains in the minds of many. "These give us enough reason to seek pre-emptive measures especially in the face of unpredictable climate change with all its adverse effects on the environment," Dr. Tchuinte said.

What Expectations?

Besides the opening and closing ceremonies billed for the Yaounde Hilton Hotel on July 23 and 25, researchers will use JERSIC 2013 to display research results on natural catastrophes obtained thus far. This will also be an opportunity for visitors of the exhibition stands to learn of the strides of research in averting disasters and how they can contribute to the national drive to nib future occurrences in the bud. Through workshops and plenary discussions, the researchers will also jointly propose resilient mechanisms in the face of natural disasters and how they can work in synergy for efficiency.

Other Highlights

Like in the previous editions, JERSIC 2013 will also be an opportunity to recognise and reward excellence in scientific research. There is a "Lion d'Or (Golden Lion) award for excellence in scientific research and innovation and FCFA 20 million Prize of the President of the Republic to be contested for by individuals or groups of researchers who have excelled in preventing and cushioning the effects of natural disasters and contributing to socio-economic development through their research results.