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Infos Business of Friday, 25 July 2014

Source: The Sun Newspaper

Limbe gets new business center

The structure was handed over to the Limbe City Council last Monday, July 14. The city council team was led by the Secretary General of the Limbe City Council, Charles Arrey Nkongho and also present was the Director of technical services, Casmir Lyonga Nyime, the Stores Accountant of the Limbe City Council, Mr Mwambo Augustine, representatives from the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts and Public Contracts Regulatory Agency.

The project, which has been described by many as a master-piece, took a relatively short time to be completed in view of its magnitude. The structure is being roundly appreciated and welcomed by the inhabitants of Bonadikombo (Mile 4) who are already scrambling to own stores and offices in the edifice.

A few people, who spoke to THE SUN during the reception of the structure, opined that it was well constructed and befitting for the entrance into the City of Limbe.

Speaking to THE SUN at the reception, the Director of JOHNCO Construction, Njie Molungu John noted that the project would have been handed earlier but delayed due to some technicalities in procedure.

According to him, his company has put in its best to satisfy the contracting authority and the people of Limbe who are the direct beneficiaries of the project.

Some other landmark contracts and projects executed by JOHNCO Construction include a new hotel in Church Street, Limbe and a series of classrooms in Fako. The Director of JOHNCO Construction said the Presbyterian Church also awarded his company a contract close to FCFA 70 Million in Kumba to complete the administrative building in the Major Seminary in Kossala.”

With financing being the major complain by contractors as reason for delay in execution, the JOHNCO boss has a different opinion about sourcing for finances. “The issue of finance depends on how credit-worthy you are. Many Cameroonians are not trustworthy; people go to the bank and get money and to reimburse the money becomes a problem” the JOHNCO boss said.

He is of the opinion that he has done a bit and what he wants to do now for his Division and Region is to prove to people that honesty is the key to every success.

He reiterates that “If you borrow money somewhere, make sure you payback the money. Our country has a very bad image outside in terms of reimbursement; people execute and are paid but they go on saying that they have not been paid to justify why they do not pay back their debts”. “What I want to advice contractors and those who plan to come into the contracting business is that they should be honest and they will go far”, he concluded.

Mr. Njie Molungu John refuted allegations that it is his strong political background that is responsible for him being awarded a good number of contracts.

Speaking to THE SUN about one of his contracts he handed over to the PNDP, he said the project was a-PNDP and Idenau municipality project where PNDP had to sponsor 90 % and Idenau Council, 10%. He added that it was the construction of three compartment-latrines and two equipped classrooms with benches, tables, chairs and cupboards. When THE SUN visited the project site in Sanje, located in Idenau municipality last year during the technical reception ceremony of the project, the population in general, as well as the staff and pupils of the Government School Sanje were very happy with the contractor.

The Headmistress of the school said she was very surprised with the speed and accuracy with which the job was done. She commended other contractors to follow the ways of JOHNCO Construction especially in projects that give future to Cameroonian children. The design and colour of the two classrooms, as well as the quality of paint that was used for the project was also unique and had guarantee for many years.

To make sure that even handicapped pupils also have access to the classrooms without stress, the Government School Sanje new classrooms constructed by JOHNCO Construction has a sloping edge for wheel chairs to conveniently lead the handicapped pupils to the classrooms. Another completed work by JOHNCO Construction is a culvert in Mile II, Limbe I Subdivision. Even before the inhabitants realised that work had commenced for the construction of a culvert to link the two ends of the quarters, JOHNCO and his boys had already done their thing and left for the people to appreciate.

Moka Thomas, an inhabitant of the affected quarter said it would have been something else if the culvert was not executed before the start of the heavy rains.

Moka thanked the contractor for speeding up and doing quality work. The culvert, according to JOHNCO, was due to the cry of the people of that area to the Limbe City Council whose Government Delegate, Andrew Motanga Monjimba answered.

“That construction was sponsored by the Limbe City Council, the residents of that area had been complaining for quite a long time, so the complain went to the Government Delegate who sent his technicians to come and verify. When they came there, they realised that a culvert had to be constructed in the area, he approved and I was awarded the contract”, Njie Molungu John told THE SUN.

The very satisfied contractor told THE SUN that “it is pleasant to do a good job for your community”. He called on the inhabitants of Mile 4 to use the new building with care and preserve it as their own property.