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Infos Sports of Friday, 10 May 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Minister Consults Belligerents Over League Stand-off

The resumption of the elite championships depends on an agreement between clubs and the League president.

The saga between elite club presidents and the president of the Professional League is yet to be over as General Semengue for the second time this year, suspended the resumption of the MTN Elite One and Elite Two Championships for the same reason, which is obliging clubs to transform to companies.

The present stand-off was initiated by the association of elite clubs presidents who decided to boycott the championship until the disbursement of government subventions to clubs. After a tripartite meeting at the behest of the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Adoum Garoua during which he disclosed that the subvention has been made available, pundits thought the warring parties had buried the hatchet, especially as the meeting ended with a commitment from the Secretary General of the League to pay out the money to clubs without any condition.

However, in a dramatic turn of events, the president of the Professional League refused to endorse the decision, fired his Secretary General and suspended the resumption of the various championships earmarked for this weekend. Though club presidents initially reacted bitterly, promising to go ahead with the championship with or without the consent of General Semengue, they are beginning to soften their tone. Faustin Domkeu, the president of New Stars of Douala, says there is no need for confrontation with the League president.

He called for urgent dialogue, urging the League president to give more time to clubs to adapt to the new dispensation. Already, over half a dozen clubs have complied with this recommendation. The Minister of Sports and Physical Education had to step in again and broker peace between the warring parties. At press time, no word had filtered out of the consultation which was supposed to be sanctioned by an official press release jointly signed by FECAFOOT, the Professional League and the Minister of Sports and Physical Education.