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Infos Sports of Monday, 3 December 2012

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Onambele Zibi Re-elected Tonnerre President

The much announced squabble in the club finally ended to be a storm in a tee cup as Onambele Zibi was re-elected president of Tonnerre Kalara Club of Yaounde at the end of the general assembly meeting which took place on Friday November 30th. In show of legitimacy, the quorum was attained and the meeting attended by representatives of the Cameroon football federation.

Despite the victory, the president re-elect of Tonnerre Kalara Club, Onambele Zibi said he is not vengeful and that the door is still open to dissenting members who come up for forgiveness and seek reconciliation since Tonnerre was in need of people. He however disclosed that club members insisted on discipline among players and members of the club in general so as to enable the club regain its past glory.

He reiterated that the club was out for continental glory and has therefore embarked on an ambitious recruitment programme to attain the objective. He however failed to mention who will be the next coach of Tonnerre during the next season after dismissing the former coach of the club for taking sides with the dissidents. A budget of FCFA 50 million was adopted for the club for the new season with over FCFA 50 million contributed on the spot during the general assembly.

Outside the election of a new president who will in turn appoint his executive bureau, the club was also transformed from an association to a company in order to comply with the exigencies of the Cameroon Football Federation in this era of professionalizing football in the country. Like Canon, the shares were placed at FCFA 10.000, the minimum provided by the law in Cameroon.