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Infos Business of Monday, 1 October 2012

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Stakeholders Crusade for Better Cocoa, Coffee Quality

Stakeholders in the cocoa-coffee sub sectors have been sensitising small and medium-size producers on the importance to consolidating the quality of the produce so that it remains competitive in the world market. The campaign that falls under the fertilizer sub sector programme is placed under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and is being managed under a technical supervisory scheme, "The Support Project for the use of fertilizer in the Cocoa /Coffee Suibsectors" (SPUF2C).

The campaign that held from the September 23 - 28 was headed by Difo Gnilachi Robert, head of mission to the West Region and the campaign took the delegation to Menoua, Upper Nkam, Bamboutos and Noun Divisions where the cocoa/coffee farmers were drilled and sentitised on the activities and project intervention for fertilizer development integrated approach. Difo Gnilachi, who was accompanied in his sensitisation campaign by the Regional Delegate of Agriculture and Rural Development for West, Tazanou Martin, had as resource persons Mpoh Eboue and Tabandjou Gaston, all Agric-Engineers, specialists in the cocoa/coffee sub sectors.

Addressing the farmers at the various stops, Mr. Difo said the project specifically intends to help cocoa/coffee producers master the use of fertilizers, increase their annual yields in these crops that are considered as the main stay of our economy. He said after a careful study by government and its partners they agreed to invest in the sub sector through what he described as "Sustainable intensification of Cocoa /coffee sector" in Cameroon. He further said that the sector will support producer's organisations of 2nd and 3rd levels (Union of CIGs, federations, cooperatives and confederations) through the supply of fertilizers, adding that in the months ahead Menoua, Noun, Bamboutos and Upper Nkam Divisions where Robusta and Arabica coffee are grown, will be used as experimental and pilot fields for fertilizer. Lively debates between farmers and officials of SPUF2C ended each meeting.