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Infos Business of Monday, 2 July 2012

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Additional FCFA 23 Million for Reunification Celebrations

As part of preparatory activities for celebrations to mark the Golden jubilee of Cameroon's Reunification, members of the South West Regional Local Support Committee converged in the Fako Divisional Headquarters, Limbe, under the chairmanship of the Grand Chancellor of the National Orders, Peter Mafany Musonge.

The Saturday June 30 meeting regrouping all South West Elite had as main objective a fundraising exercise at the Limbe City Council Hall, to complement the efforts of the National Organising Committee. The first fund raising was in the Meme Divisional Headquarters, Kumba on Saturday April 21, which saw the collection of over FCFA 63 million. During the Kumba meeting, apart from cash donations, some stakeholders gave in cheques and pledges, which were to be redeemed in Limbe. Thus, from the chief launchers, co-launchers to other well wishers, an extra sum of FCFA 23 million francs was collected, being FCFA 21 million in cash, FCFA one million in cheque and FCFA one million in pledge.

Addressing the august assembly, Peter Mafany Musonge lauded the members' commitment towards the success of the operation. He however, hammered on the existing gap given that only 60% percent of the budgeted sum of FCFA 150 million has been realised so far. Even though the various stakeholders have been categorised and levied, he launched a call for an extra effort so as to meet up with expectations. In presenting a statement of account of the fundraising exercise, he announced that the FCFA 63 million collected in Kumba represented 42% in cash, while the pledges summed up to 8%. Meanwhile, the just collected FCFA 23 million constitutes 10% of the budgeted sum, giving a total of 60% realisation so far. He announced the next steering committee/fund raising meeting for August 11 at the National Social Insurance Fund building, Buea.

The fund raising proper was preceded by a steering committee meeting, involving all heads of subcommittees. Sitting at the Limbe City Council Conference Hall, they evaluated the strides covered as well as brainstormed on the way forward. A motion of thanks and appreciation to the Head of State for appointing one of theirs, Dr.Nalova Lyonga as Vice Chancellor of the University of Buea, a welcome note from the Government Delegate to the Limbe City Council, Motanga Andrew Monjimba who pledged his community's desire to co-host the 50th Anniversary celebration activities, marked the day.