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Infos Business of Friday, 11 July 2014

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

AES-Sonel chases 34 billion FCFA unpaid by customers

The company launches a recovery operation substance at a press briefing given Wednesday in Douala.

The press briefing given on July 9 by Aes-Sonel in Douala has allowed the company which will consist of various measures for the recovery of its unpaid debt.

According to Jacques Liga, Assistant Director of Aes-Sonel, 34 billion f is the amount owed by customers of Douala and Yaoundé.

The final objective of this campaign is to get a healthier portfolio. With such debts recognized by all parties and hence the recovery of this debts due.

The company thus classified its debtors into three categories. According to her, there are dishonest jugglers. There are Customers who choose deliberately not to pay their bills by using various subterfuges, including corruption.

There are rebellious Legalists, who complain of incorrect billings and which condition the resumption of payments to the resolution of their requests.

Finally honest jugglers: they pass through difficult times and are struggling to pay their energy despite their goodwill usage.

With regard to sanction measures, Aes-Sonel thinks to apply actions targeted and adapted for each category. In regards to the rebellious Legalists, the company responds to requests and will make corrections accelerated by erroneous invoices. Moderations will be offered to customers to pay debts on request.

About dishonest jugglers, Aes-Sonel intends to make cuts to the post with full application of penalties ranging up to 100% all this before the restoration of current.

Legal action will be carried out in the event of non-payment. For the honest jugglers, they shall be established facilities for payment in arrears.

For smart and considerate customers, i.e. paying their bills on time, the company has planned bonuses through a raffle.