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Infos Business of Thursday, 26 June 2014

Source: businessincameroon.com

Cameroon cocoa exports decline this year

According to statistics from the National Cocoa and Coffee Board (ONCC) published by Commodafrica, Cameroon has already exported 146,685 tonnes of cocoa as of May 2014, nine months since the start of the current season. This is a decline of over 54,000 tonnes relative to the 200,915 tonnes exported over the same period the previous season.

In the month of May, 2014 alone, the ONCC’s statistics reveal a decline of over 50% relative to the last season, falling from 5,849 tonnes in 2012-2013 to only 2,268 in the present season.

Observers also predict an overall decline in Cameroonian cocoa production by the end of the season. Despite this, the ONCC has been visibly more optimistic than what the numbers forecast, counting on a slight increase in production from 228,948 tonnes in 2012-2013 to 235,000 tonnes in 2013-2014. This is an increase of 7,000 tonnes.