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Infos Sports of Monday, 28 September 2015

Source: pittsburgh.cbslocal.com

Young footballers in Cameroon get donation from US school

Young soccer players in Cameroon are proudly wearing the jerseys of Avonworth High School in Pennsylvania, US.

They’re also playing with school equipment, and it’s all thanks to two seniors.

Lauren Robinet and Alex Kirsch are proud to wear the colors of Avonworth’s girls’ soccer team. But some of the team’s old equipment was just sitting around never to be used again.

That’s when the two friends jumped into action. Wanting to do something special for their senior project, Coach J.C. Mahan told them about the Cameroon Football Development program.

“Our coach came up to us and asked us if we wanted to do anything involving soccer,” said Kirsch, the team’s goalie.

“So we went, gathered the uniforms, and then we said ok, what else can we do,” said Robinet, a defender on the team.

They also sent out emails to parents asking if they had any old soccer balls and equipment. They not only received the equipment, they started receiving money as well; $500 worth.

It was enough to buy new equipment as well.

Coach Mahan said the players exceeded his expectations.

“I always ask the girls to do more, to be better than what you did when you came in, and they’ve definitely gone above and beyond,” said Mahan.

While the girls get their kicks on a winning soccer team, seeing those smiling faces in photos from Cameroon is a special reward.

“It’s really touching to know they were sharing the same love for the same sport,” said Kirsh.

“Seeing someone all the way around the world wearing the same shirt I did, playing the same sport I love, and it’s a great feeling,” added Robinet.