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Actualités Régionales of Thursday, 2 June 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Women recognised for keeping neighbourhoods clean

Five women's associations in the Douala II Council area have received financial and material gifts for consciously keeping their surroundings, public spaces and structures clean.

As part of the sixth annual Most Clean Neighbourhood Competition, Mayor Denise Fampou, with the collaboration of the Douala City Council, Hysacam and New Food, offered the prizes.

Association members cleaned up gutters, got rid of stagnant water, picked up litter, scraped walls, removed paper from walls and swept, among many other activities.

The first prize went to "Femmes de Haut Nkam," who received 400,000 FCFA and a carton of seasoning cubes, wheelbarrows, gloves, dustbins, chloride solution, umbrellas, soap, and Mothers' Day fabric. "Bon Voisinage Association" of Newtown III got 300,000 FCFA, in addition to the above material.

Meanwhile, "Femmes Mifi" de Newtown II received 250,000 FCFA in addition to the material support. All other associations from the 33 neighbourhoods that make up the council area got various encouragement awards.

The Government Delegate to the Douala City Council, Fritz Ntone Ntone, described the initiative as one that has almost singlehandedly lifted New Bell from filth to a modern neighbourhood.

The Mayor of Douala II Council called on the women not to relent, but make the activity a day-to-day affair.