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Actualités Criminelles of Saturday, 26 September 2015

Source: Le Jour

Woman assaults husband in Emombo

Photo utilisée juste a titre d'illustration Photo utilisée juste a titre d'illustration

A bricklayer in the Messassi district, Pierre Mopi, was seriously injured in the forehead after he was assaulted by a woman known to be his wife on September 19.

Photos taken a few minutes after the incident showed his face and the t-shirt he wore were all covered with his blood.

Pierre Mopi said he was injured by his wife, Brigitte Ngaffo, a woman with whom he lived with for 29 years. A complaint against Brigitte Ngaffo was filed at the search brigade in Emombo on September 19.

The reason for the fight was a bulb which was left for some time in Brigettte's room.

The complaint against Brigitte Ngaffo accused her of attempted murder against her husband. According to the victim, he was "returning home from work at 7:30 pm when he was met by his wife who told him “I'll show you what I can do.”

He revealed: “On the early morning of 19th, I noticed that there was light in my wife’s room. When I asked why she left the light on, she replied by asking me to take her off from the electric circuit, which I did not hesitate to do.

“While returning from work, she chased me by throwing breakable dishes at my face until the instant she managed to hit me with a Club of iron; first on the back and then my face.

Contacted by telephone, Brigitte Ngaffo denied the facts and rather claimed to be the victim of Pierre Mopi because, she said crying: "since our wedding, Mr. Mopi beats me every day.”

The latter claimed to be at the Yaoundé Central Hospital where she received medical care. However, she is expected to appear before the search brigade in Emombo.