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Diasporia News of Saturday, 4 June 2016

Source: alafnet.com

USA: Maryland sex tape victim hospitalised

Cynthia Nguni, a very close-family friend to the victim (Linda) updated that she has had sleepless night for the past 72 hrs working with the North Carolina Medical Team on Linda’s health situation.

Nothing is more traumatizing listening to a 25 years old, crying & telling me on the phone in a very paralyzed tone on Sunday ( If i don’t help her with the anxiety stressed, she is going to give-up on Herself ) – Cynthia recounted.

Cynthia continued ” It’s so unfortunate that “some” of these young girls moving everywhere as the alleged publishers of the sex tape are like little sisters of mine, who have so much respect & look up to me. However, someone’s life is as stake here and the culprits must be brought to justice.

An investigation team is already set up to follow legal procedures.”Linda is currently lying helplessly at the Hospital.

She needs all the supports from friends and sympathizers. Linda who came to the United States 4 years ago, with a student’s status is a very hard-working & respectful child.

Linda lived with Cynthia for a year and happily moved to her own place in Maryland where she settles for 3 years but recently moved on to North Carolina due to a higher job offer. She is an independent and smart lady.

Linda was in a very critical state since the sex tape went public. She is a little stable. Cynthia asserted that currently she is like a big sister and undertaker to Linda and thus have access to any decision making on Linda’s Health’s Conditions.

Cynthia will leave for North Carolina on Friday, June 3 to meet up with Linda’s Doctors , Psychiatrics & Medical Team.BaretaNews calls for the Cameroons people to put Linda in prayers and ask that justice be seen to be done.