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Diasporia News of Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Source: cameroonpostline.com

US-based NW Fons raise $17,000 for children scholarship

The US-based Northwest Fons Council, recently raised 17,000 Dollars to educate the less privileged kids in the Northwest Region of Cameroon.

At the event which held at the Vikings Center in Burtonsville, Maryland, USA, development, culture and tradition were celebrated.

The event brought together men and women of culture from Cameroon and beyond. Also significant at the gathering was the giving of names from the different tribes of Cameroon to African Americans who have traced their DNA to several tribes in Cameroon and the award of certificates to them.

Welcoming delegates to the event, the Chairperson of the Organising Committee, Moh Ntarr Tita Pale, from Baba I Ndop, challenged attendees to be proud ambassadors of the rich Cameroon cultural heritage. He declared that Cameroon is unique in Africa because it is the crossroad and melting pot of several ethnic nationalities.

He reminded Cameroonians that culture is the hallmark of a people’s identity and that Cameroonians and Africans in general must do everything to protect and preserve it. He appreciated and thanked all the members of the Fons Council who had worked relentlessly to ensure the success of the event.

The Executive Director of the Fons Council, Victor Mbahterngwe Tarkeh from Bamukubit, Ndop, announced amid thunderous applause, that the Council has awarded more than 850 scholarships to underprivileged kids back home in the Northwest Region and beyond. He exalted members and guests to “generously give” as “those kids need our help in order to achieve education.”

He reminded the members of the Council that this year’s scholarship would be awarded exclusively to kids entering into the first year of University in Cameroon.

The event witnessed the participation of several cultural groups from the Northwest Region of Cameroon, namely: the royal and wonderful Toh Dance from Bui Division, whose entry into the hall raised curious onlookers from their seats. The Mfuh (war) Dance from Wimbum land was given a standing ovation by the crowd. The Mbanglum from Nsogwa and the Nyuhliboh from Babessi thrilled delegates with the beautiful grass field rhythms.

The occasion also saw the recognition of some members of the Cameroonian community in the Washington DC Metro area.

It was an evening unlike others characterised by cultural splendor unique not only to the Northwest Region but to Cameroon in general. The Epke group from Manyu Division also staged a spectacular show by displaying the rich Manyu tradition.

It was an event full of fanfare and celebrations. Fon Nganjo of Njirong, Fon Tassah of Tabonchum and Fon Ayeng III of Bamukubit graced the event.

The US Northwest Fons Council was created by a group of Northwest Fons resident in the United States. It is a 501C organisation that has uplifted the lives of many underprivileged kids in the Northwest, West and Southwest Regions.

The organisation has as members several notables from the Northwest Region and beyond. Its spokesperson is Honorable Martin Tamukong and Philip Mbeh Tazi as Director of Communication.