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Actualités Criminelles of Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Source: APA

Two fake ministers arrested

Photo d'archive utilisée juste à titre d`illustration Photo d'archive utilisée juste à titre d`illustration

Two imposters who posed as ministers and CEOs, arrested a few days ago, after extorting large sums of money from their victims.

The people involved in the crime were a traditional practitioner and a student.

Le Jour on January 11, 2016, informed that they “fell into the nets the elements of the regional division of the judicial police of the Centre”.

They had managed to make a lot of money by posing as members of government and other corporate bosses.

“These two criminals are accused of fraud and scam through social networks. They used the profiles and the names of several government members and CEOs," writes Le Jour.

The alleged crooks “promise recruitment in state companies for some young graduates and job seekers, with monies from FCFA 100,000 to 1,000,000 CFA francs.” Recruitments which obviously proved to be a lure for victims, once they had paid the requested amount of money.

The two unfortunates thus continued to ride for many months, until the complaint from a member of the government remained anonymous.

“According to our information, the arrest followed a complaint by a government official who complained that certain individuals were using his image on the internet to extort money from young people. It was after this denunciation that investigation were carried out," said our colleague.

Investigations that resulted on January 8, 2016, to the arrest of the concerned. “According to an investigator, the two alleged crooks were arrested after a trap was handed to them by the police. On the day of their arrest, they went in a microfinance to receive some money."