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Réligion of Friday, 8 July 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Thousands throng Kumbo Cathedral for salvation

The Kumbo Cathedral in Bui Division of the North West Region was unprecedentedly full to the brim recently as anxious people with varying social and spiritual challenges waited impatiently for the unexpected to happen.

Some came from far off Douala and Yaounde, others from Mamfe, but many more from Bamenda, and a majority from the nooks and crannies of the Diocese of Kumbo that encompasses Bui and Donga/Mantung Divisions.

Father Anthony, 32, a supposedly renowned Charismatic priest of international repute, told his impressive audience on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 that money, good job, wife, husband or children cannot be source of satisfaction to anyone without the Holy Spirit.

He gave testimonies of persons who came to him for prayers for various demands, but were still not satisfied even after having had their heart's desires.

"This was because they lacked the Holy Spirit," Father Anthony declared, quoting extensively from the Holy Bible. The Indian priest called on bachelors and spinsters who are eager to get life partners to first reflect and consult married couples to share their experiences, explaining it was not a bed of roses.

The blind, the deaf, the dumb, the physically challenged, single mothers, the childless, widows, the jobless, the poor and the rich, all answered present and listened with rapt attention as the prelate prayed for God's mercy on humanity.

Dismissing the crowd at the close of the four-day crusade, the Kumbo Diocesan Vicar General, Father Roland Berngeh, disclosed that Father Anthony is a spiritually-inspired student priest who delights in spending his holidays moving from country to another praying for humanity.

He said Cameroon was blessed to have him at this time of the extra-ordinary jubilee Year of Mercy.