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Infos Business of Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Source: The Eden Newspaper

TRB confirms MTN’s 4G launch

The Telecommunications Regulatory Board (TFB) has confirmed MTN Cameroon’s launch of 4G.

This was during a visit by the Director General of TRB, Jean Louis Beh Mengue, to MTN Cameroon’s technical installations on Wednesday 3 February 2016.
This visit was within the framework of an official visit by the TRB delegation to the Douala.

At MTN’s technical headquarters, Mr. Beh Mengue and his delegation were offered a guided tour of MTN’s state-of-the-art Switch. They were also presented the difference between MTN Cameroon’s 3G and 4G networks through a live demo of both technologies. This enabled the Telecommunications Regulatory Board’s GM to acknowledge the effectiveness of 4G LTE network and enjoy a hitch-free HD video streamed from the internet.

At the end of his visit, Mr. Beh Mengue clarified the position of the TRB concerning recent telecoms events:

“We had the opportunity to see MTN’s equipment and a demonstration of the precision with which things are done. We also learnt that a certain number of MTN clients were already using the 4G technology. This means that 4G is already technically operational at MTN”, he declared, confirming the reality of the 4G LTE launched by MTN Cameroon.

Concerning the CONAC report, Mr. Beh Mengue emphasised the TRB’s concerns with the treatment of this report by CONAC. “They were too fast in drawing conclusions. This is a file which is still under review at the TRB and it is too early to draw conclusions or make recommendations,” he stated.

Meanwhile, MTN Cameroon’s CEO, Philisiwe Sibiya, commenting to the media said, “We see this visit as proof of a fruitful public-private partnership for the development of the ICT sector and telecommunications in Cameroon and are very excited and honored to have the Regulator in our premises today. We have been able to showcase not only the 4G technology that we implemented but also past investments by MTN in Cameroon and future perspectives.

We are proud to say that in two years, i.e. 2015 and 2016, we would have invested in Cameroon close to 500 billion USD and are finally getting the acknowledgement that our 4G is indeed live, that we are the first and the only operator that has launched 4G. So we are quite honored to receive the TRB. At MTN, we are quite happy to have a Regulator that is formulating closer ties and enabling growth of the sector.

It is indeed an honor to have a Regulator that is able to come and meet with the operators on the ground to see for themselves what we do, what we are experiencing, and to be able to share how we can further grow the sector. We thank the Director General for taking the time to engage us proactively in the manner that we have”.

MTN’s mission when it installed in Cameroon in February 2000 was to offer Cameroonians simple, innovative and accessible communication solutions to meet their needs. 16 years on, the leading telecommunications operator continues to invest significantly to develop a robust, extensive and reliable world-class network connecting millions of Cameroonians to their loved ones, activities and the rest of the world while enabling them benefit from the technological evolutions provided by the future.