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Infos Santé of Thursday, 11 August 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Sexual Health: actors seek to break taboos

A workshop to support dialogues in reproductive health issues took place on August 10, 2016 in Yaounde.

Information from health experts indicate that in the country there are still controversies amongst the population when it comes to family planning and abortion as well as talking about reproductive health issues to youths in Cameroon.

According to the Executive Director of Cameroon National Association for Family Welfare (CAMNAFAW), Emmanuel Ngappe, such topics are still a taboo amongst many communities in the country with a major setback in improving the reproductive health situation of many women and children.

It is within this backdrop that CAMNAFAW, yesterday, August 10, 2016 organised a one-day workshop with policy makers, parliamentarians and the civil society on how they can pass across reproductive health messages to the public with the view of curbing maternal and infant mortality.

Taking into consideration the new Maputo Plan of Action and the new UN agenda on Sustainable Development Goals, which focus on poverty alleviation, protection of the planet and welfare of the population, Emmanuel Ngappe said certain health situations, such as maternal and infant mortality, are not encouraging.

As such, CAMNAFAW is out to inform the population on their rights to good health, and the need for pregnant women and youths to visit centres where some of their health issues will be addressed.

Professor Philip Nana from the Ministry of Public Health explained that although maternal and neonatal mortality rates seem to reduce in the country, the downward trend is slow not only because of the cost of health but also because many people are not rightly sensitised on reproductive health.

Participants have been sensitised on the dangers of clandestine abortion, health rights, the causes of maternal and infant mortality as well as the difference between personal belief and professional ethics in terms of reproductive health services.