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Politique of Thursday, 13 November 2014

Source: The Post Newspaper

SDF creates faceless body to effect change next year

The leading opposition political party, Social Democratic Front, SDF, has resolved to create a faceless body whose mission will be to usher in meaningful change in Cameroon next year.

The resolution was reached at an extra-ordinary meeting of the National Executive Committee, NEC that held at Ntarinkon-Bamenda over the weekend, presided over by the Chairman of the party, Ni John Fru Ndi.

The faceless Strategic Committee, known only to Fru Ndi, will operate under his command. The Committee is expected to prepare Cameroonians to embrace peaceful change.

The NEC also endorsed Fru Ndi’s tour of the 10 regions of Cameroon ahead of the 25th anniversary celebrations of the party next year in May.

Speaking to The Post, one of the NEC members who opted to be anonymous because he was not authorised to act as spokesperson, said: “We have resolved to go back to the spirit of the 1990s. Don’t expect more press releases or resolutions because Cameroonians are tired of reading press releases. What they expect is action - and now! You will realise that Cameroon will never be the same again by the end of next year. What the SDF and most Cameroonians have agreed upon is that the system in place has failed woefully and must give way.”

Other inside sources said the SDF has decided to investigate and ensure that the detained Mayor of Loum is liberated as well as the three journalists facing the Military Tribunal in Yaounde.

In his opening remarks, Fru Ndi said the party must go back to the drawing board and ensure that the spirit that gave the party its momentum is revived. The Chairman stressed that, from the beginning of next year, the activities of the party must be refocused. He said all SDF Senators, Parliamentarians, Mayors, Shadow Cabinet Ministers, NEC members and many who rank as such, will be obliged to take the lead in bringing about the much needed social change.

Furthermore, Fru Ndi announced that, come next year, he will pay impromptu visits to all SDF constituencies in order to evaluate projects executed by Parliamentarians and Mayors.

“I will disgrace most of you who have not lived up to expectation within a year. So, I am exhorting you to sit up. We can’t wait for five years to come before we hit the road for this exercise. You have been given the opportunity to serve Cameroonians and you must make the maximum use of that opportunity,” Fru Ndi said.

In a harsher tone, the SDF Chieftain said he has been hurt by the avalanche of internet blackmail and unfounded accusations coming from NEC members. “You know very well that, down memory lane, those who engaged in fighting Fru Ndi only ended up disgracing themselves.

Fru Ndi also bitterly bemoaned what he described as; “A virus that is gnawing into the entrails of SDF militants. Some of you call it ‘na we time for chop’.”

The SDF Chairman rebuked proponents of such a principle, admonishing that, whenever such thoughts of self-service cross their minds, they should recall the martyrs of May 26, 1990.

“You should also remember those who were imprisoned, tortured, molested and maimed. At such moments, you think of paying some sacrifice rather than think of reaping some benefits.”

Throughout the meeting, the leaders of Cameroon’s frontline opposition party harped on these questions; is this the party you launched in 1990? Is this the SDF of the yesteryears? And the NEC members roared; “No! No! No!” Fru Ndi then invited them: “Let us, therefore, go back to the original SDF,” he hollered.

Fru Ndi continued that, even at 73, he is more than determined to deliver Cameroon if the SDF family, Civil Society leaders, the youth and other patriotic Cameroonians who share the same dream join, this time around, in the ultimate liberation struggle.

He warned that; “as soon as we engage the gear for change, there will be no Easter or Christmas truce!”

At the close of the NEC session, the Provincial Coordinator of the Northwest Region, we gathered, informed participants that the Tubah Electoral District had been reorganised without a hitch and that Mayor Martin Tanjong had been served, through a bailiff, with the 8.2 sanction - excluding him from the party.

In a similar light, the Douala Electoral District was instructed to carry out its protracted reorganisation exercise by the end of November - latest. Other issues discussed at the enlarged NEC meeting included the Boko Haram insurgency, the Ebola scourge and recent events in Burkina Faso.