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Infos Business of Sunday, 10 April 2016

Source: businessincameroon.com

SCTM domestic gas timidly reappears in stalls

The Société Camerounaise des Dépôts Pétroliers (SCDP – Cameroonian Company of Oil Depots) has resumed the supply in domestic gas to Société Camerounaise de Transformation Métallique (SCTM) since April 1, 2016, we learned from official sources.

This decision, we learned, comes following a consensus between the leader in the domestic gas distribution market in Cameroon and Tradex, its supplier, who claims the payment of a FCfa 4 billion debt from SCTM.

Though the details of this consensus have not been specified, households in the Cameroonian capital can again enjoy domestic gas since the beginning of this week. However, as noted in the depots, the quantities released on the market are insufficient to meet the high demand.