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Actualités Régionales of Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Reunification Celebration - Committee to Stage Last Fund Raising

Meeting in Limbe, 2 February, the South West Regional Support Committee for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Cameroon's reunification announce that FCFA 166.250.200 has been collected to host the various delegations from the six administrative Divisions of the Region.

Mr. Peter Mafany Musonge, Chairman of the local support committee, urged the 12 Sub-committees to meet more regularly to fine-tune preparations so as to catch up with the 31 March dateline instructed by the National Organizing Committee.

The money raised so far is the contribution from the South West elite. The Chair of the local support Committee has announced the last fund raising for Kumba (Meme Division) on the 9 March.

In addition to the money raised, some FCFA 16 million is still hanging in pledges. The Committee explained that FCFA 16.512.200 has already been spent. They emphasized that no money had been received from abroad even though they are expecting good will gestures from sons and daughters of the greener pasture. While the Chairman summoned a transparent and judicious use of the money collected, he reminded that every franc related to this event will be accounted for.

The main point on the Limbe meeting agenda was the evaluation of the level of preparedness for lodging, gala night, mobilization and sensitization, cultural displays, feeding and all such preparations that would display the legendary hospitality of the South West people.

Deliberations put to guard all activities not to interfere with the official local Regional and National Organizing Committees of the 50th Anniversary celebrations. Personalities from all the six divisions of the South West were present notably the Vice Speaker of the National Assembly, Honourable Emelia Lifaka, Mrs. Ndoh Bertha, Honourable Bernard Foju and Mr. Leku Lekunze.