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Réligion of Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Ramadan: Occasional business activities crop up

With the start of the Muslim fasting period, petty trading activities are the order of the day.

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, started yesterday June 6, 2016 in the country. For Muslims, the month of fasting is the holy month. During this period of Ramadan, petty trading activities are the order of the day.

At the Briqueterie neighbourhood in Yaounde yesterday people were going about their daily chores but what raises eyebrows is the fact that during this fasting period, there are businesses that centre on the Ramadan.

Since it is fasting period, some of the delicacies such as puff rolls, Akara beans and pap, among others could be seen along the roadsides. Some people prefer to abandon big businesses and concentrate on the petty trading in order to make more money during this period. Some people sell in the morning while others prefer selling in the evenings.

At the entrance of the Mosque in Mokolo Elobi most of the petty traders were absent. One of the traders, Abdou Issa said since it is Ramadan period most of the petty traders were busy preparing the items that are consumed during this period.

“They will only start selling as from 3:00 p.m.,” he explained. Another trader, Mariatou said she was kneading the flower dough and will start frying puff rolls at 3:00 p.m.

Also remarkably, the usual grilled chicken business was absent around the Mosque. Abdou Issa said grilled chicken was out of the question especially with the outbreak of Bird Flu in some parts of the country. He explained that in the place of chicken people can substitute with other items such as fish, meat and even salad. At the end of the day, people go and buy one delicacy or the other to break the fast for the day.

Another activity which thrives during the Ramdan month is the restaurant business. Some people, especially those living alone or workers, living far from their homes, prefer to break their fast in these restaurants.

Some go there to take coffee or any light food to break the fast before dining at night according to the Muslim tradition.

Also, people tend to consume more and even purchase more than they actually need during the fasting period. As a result, most Supermarkets are making brisk business with their fast food services.

Many traders however are doing as much as possible to make money during this period of Ramadan.