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Politique of Friday, 25 September 2015

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Prof. Kamto condemns Amnesty International report

The President of Cameroon Renaissance Movement (C.R.M) party, Prof. Maurice Kamto has condemned Amnesty International report that indexed Cameroon for abuse of human rights by Cameroonian soldiers.

Prof. Kamto, who was speaking in Yaoundé on Wednesday September 23, 2015, in a debate dubbed “Café Politique” organised by the Club of Political Journalists stated that the Amnesty International Report is an 'over statement' given that Cameroon is in a war situation with the Boko Haram terrorist sect. To him, the psychology of the soldiers on the battle field cannot be like those in a normal situation where they would be conscious of human rights as they are defending themselves and the nation.

Maurice Kamto also used the debate to talk about the political, economic and social life of the country. The CRM President advocated for reforms in the electoral code. He said a campaign dubbed “Let’s save peace in Cameroon by advocating from now the reform of the Electoral Code for free, transparent and democratic elections” is on-going with the distribution of flyers.

To Maurice Kamto, in order to avoid post-election violence, there is the need for a genuine national dialogue for the establishment of a consensual Electoral Code which can guarantee free, transparent, sincere and fair democratic elections in 2018.

According to the President of the Club of Political Journalists, Georges Alain Boyomo, the main objective of the debate is to inform national and international public opinion on current issues by a credible political figure. The training of journalists is primordial because as he puts it, poor quality press will not produce a standard and acceptable democracy and a certain level of citizenry.

Boyomo announced the third edition to hold in Bangante on October 3, 2015, with the President of the Network of Female Mayors who is also Mayor of that town, Celestin Ketcha Courtes.