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Politique of Monday, 13 May 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

President Biya Receives Francophonie Parliamentarians

A delegation of the African Regional Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie (APF) was at the Unity Palace on Friday 10 May.

For close to an hour on Friday 10 May 2013, President Paul Biya took time off to discuss with a delegation of members of the African Regional Parliamentary Assembly (APF) who were in Yaounde for the 21st General Assembly. Led by Hon. Cavaye Yenguie Gjibril, Speaker of the National Assembly, the delegation arrived at Unity Palace at 3 p.m. to a red carpet reception and a guard of honour.

President Paul Biya, who was accompanied by his close aides, made a short speech during which he warmly welcomed the august guests. After a warm handshake with all 20 heads of parliaments in Francophonie countries in Africa, the Head of State urged them to use their office to stop the spells of war and suffering which often affect women and children on the African Continent. Stating his concern for the wellbeing of women and children on the continent, President Paul Biya invited the Heads of Parliamentary institutions of the African Francophonie zone to use their proximity to the population to bring about peace and stability.

He recalled that the Yaounde session of the APF meeting of the Heads of Parliament of the Francophonie was holding a few weeks to the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the African Union, urging the Parliamentarians to make proposals that would improve living conditions in Africa.

A representative of the delegation, Guy Nzouba Ndama, Speaker of the Gabonese National Assembly, heaved praises on President Paul Biya whom, he said has continuously showed concern for the activities of the APF. Hon. Nzouba Ndama recalled the pride and satisfaction of most Cameroonians and Africans in general as President Paul Biya, in an adroit manner, secured the safe release of seven French hostages from the Boko Haram sect in Nigeria. The incident, he pointed out, was almost going to tarnish the good reputation that the country has established over the years. Fortunately, the timely intervention of President Paul Biya restored that image, he concluded.

To demonstrate how concern he is about events on the continent, President Biya held a brief chat with all 20 APF members. Before sharing a drink with his guests, the officials were all given a present which carried information on the 50th anniversaries of the independence and reunification of Cameroon.

Also present at the Presidency for the reception were: the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Philemon Yang, the Vice Prime Minister, Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Relations with the Assemblies, Amadou Ali, the Minister, Director of the Civil Cabinet, Martin Belinga Eboutou, the Minister, Assistant Secretary General at the Presidency, Prof. Peter Agbor Tabi, the Minister in charge of Missions at the Presidency, Paul Atanga Nji, and the Minister Delegate in the Ministry of External Relations in charge of Relations with the Commonwealth, Chief Dion Ngute.