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Politique of Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Source: cameroonpostline.com

PAP Scribe berates Ayah, says he can’t dissolve party

The embattled Secretary General of the People’s Action Party, PAP, Alphonse Ekambi Mukwelle, has stated that Justice Paul Ayah Abine has no right, as per the Constitution of the political configuration, to dissolve the party.

He made the declaration in an interview with The Post, on April 2, following the ongoing dismissals and counter dismissals rocking the PAP. Ekambi told The Post that the name of the party remains People’s Action Party, with him as Secretary General and Albert Ngoh as acting Chairman.

On the recent counter dismissals against him and Ngoh from the party, Ekambi described the actions as “mere Facebook propaganda.” He reiterated that, as per the decision of PAP relieving Ayah as Chairman, all the competent administrative offices have been informed.

The party Scribe maintained that, if there were any conflict in the party, the powers-that-be would have contacted the current Executive wherein he is a member.

He stated that copies of the decision sacking Ayah as PAP Chair had been addressed to the Meme SDO, Southwest Governor, the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation and the Presidency of the Republic.

Making reference to the Constitution of PAP, Ekambi said nobody is permitted to tamper with it. He said the case of Ayah claiming to have changed the name of the party is questionable, given that the Advocate General is not a founding member of the party.

The man who maintains himself as PAP Scribe questioned where and when such changes were effected without the knowledge of the party. During a press conference organised on March 9, 2016, Ekambi cited the lack of collaboration with the party Secretariat, “the flagrant miscarriage of leadership” which he described as being “evasive and uncooperative”, as some of the reasons for terminating the contract PAP had with Ayah.

He further stated that the Advocate General has exhibited reluctance in convening meetings and no relevant information on the management of the party’s finances. According to Ekambi, Ayah cannot be criticising the CPDM and committing the same errors within PAP.

On whether the decision was in line with the Constitution of PAP, Theodore Ngengasong told reporters during the conference that led to the dismissal of Ayah, that as part of the Cameroon judiciary; the Constitution prohibits Ayah from heading the party. Ngengasong said the party needs young people to manage it.

Ayah fires back

According to the online news service, Cameroon Journal, PAP that now goes by the appellation of Popular Action Party issued a communiqué dismissing Ekambi alongside other conveners of the Kumba meeting.

“By virtue of the fiat issued this Saturday, the 12th day of March, 2016, by the PAP Council of the Wise, and subject to endorsement by PAP National Council scheduled to hold in a not-too-distant future, the following active or dormant members of PAP are, with immediate effect, expelled from the party; Mr. Albert Ngoh, Mr. Apack Takor, Mr. Alphonse Ekambi,” read the release.

It stated that they are fired for indulging in “gross and crude anti-party activities inimical to party unity and its smooth functioning,”

A press conference was expected to solidify the decision of the Popular Action Party as per the release.