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Infos Business of Sunday, 29 November 2015

Source: The Post Newspaper

Nkor council budget FCFA 569 million

The Nkor Council, in Bui Division, has adopted FCFA 569,075,000 as budget 2016 up from FCFA 412,755,000 last year.

The increase of FCFA 156,320,000, Mayor Francis Wache explained, is due to the fact that the Council intends to, among others, recruit staff for the community radio which is soon to go operational, as well as purchase a tipper, maintain roads, build temporary bridges and follow-up work by the technical services concerning electricity for the municipality.
The budget was adopted November 16 at the Nkor Council Hall which also saw the adoption of some resolutions.

Speaking at the opening of the session, Mayor Wache said they were meeting close on the heels of the training workshop for the Nkor-Noni Councillors, organised on October 15 on; “Team Building for Effective Council Management and Participatory Budgeting.” He expressed hopes the session would be an opportunity for the Councillors to apply the skills acquired at the workshop.
Wache said a budget could be likened to a roadmap in figures.

He emphasised the importance of planning in any given economic activity saying; “We have all heard that failing to plan is planning to fail. We are here, therefore, to draw plans for the realisation of our vision. If we plan well, we will be adequately armed and poised to deliver the much needed development for our Municipality.”

He cited achievements recorded in 2015 including: opening, grading and maintenance of roads, construction of temporary bridges, donation of books to schools in the Municipality, computerisation of the Council Office and installation of solar energy, the purchase of the Council Toyota pickup.
He urged the Councillors to ensure that the budget under examination must capture the aspirations of the Municipality. Mayor Wache cited investment projects for the present draft budget including road maintenance, potable water extension, follow-up of rural electrification, construction of schools, community halls and so on.

The 1st Assistant SDO for Bui, Dr. Mohamadou, after lauding the Nkor Council for positive achievements, said a good budget is one that responds to the needs of the community. “The budget is important only when it has a direct impact on the lives of the people”, he emphasised.

“Councillors should collaborate in the collection of taxes in order to make the budget realistic,” he stated.

He called for collaboration among Councillors so as to ensure the successful development of the Nkor Municipality.