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Infos Business of Friday, 8 July 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Nkeze Mbonwoh is new Buea SOPECAM chief

The South West Regional Agency of the Cameroon News and Publishing Corporation, SOPECAM, has a new Chief.

Nkeze Mbonwoh Gabriel, journalist, took over from Ngomba Efande Peter, who went on retirement. Oyoua Anne Grégoire, SOPECAM's Technical Adviser Number 2 and representative of the General Manager, Marie Claire Nnana, supervised the handover on July 4, 2016.

Speaking at the event in the conference hall of the South West Regional Delegation of Communication in Buea following a technical inventory of SOPECAM's equipment, Oyoua Anne explained the Chief of Agency's role to include representing SOPECAM in the region and ensuring coverage of news events for Cameroon Tribune.

Other responsibilities are canvassing for adverts and printing jobs for SOPECAM's state-of-the-art machines, ensuring the distribution of Cameroon Tribune and other SOPECAM products and maintaining a clean image of the corporation. She commended Efande for services rendered to SOPECAM and wished him well in retirement.

The South West Regional Delegate for Communication, Mumah Rosette Bih, described Nkeze Mbonwoh as "a round peg in a round hole."

She underscored the harmonious collaboration that exists between SOPECAM and the Regional Delegation and urged the new Chief of Agency to use his position to exploit avenues to make Cameroon Tribune the champion in news content and distribution in the region. Mumah Rosette Bih reminded the outgoing Chief of Agency that retirement does not mean tiredness, and that his pen and paper should remain active.

Nkeze Mbonwoh, who has been a journalist with SOPECAM for three decades, promised to put in his best, remain open to learning and be versatile in the field to accomplish SOPECAM's goals.

He has undergone higher education pursuits in Journalism, Philosophy, Theology and Law. In the mid1990s, he earned a scholarship for Journalism Studies in Germany and has since remained an able reporting hand with Cameroon Tribune.

Though with a limited number of staff and insufficient equipment, the effective coverage of the upcoming November 2016 female African Cup of Nations, AFCON, and the male edition in 2019, are among the main tasks awaiting the new Chief of Agency.