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Actualités Criminelles of Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Source: CRTV

Ngaoundere: Criminal gangs neutralised

Members two criminal gangs that have spread terror in Ngaoundere in the Adamawa region have arrested by the Gendarmerie.

The latest catch of the Red berets of Ngaoundere was a gang of three bike riders suspected of killing a couple in Ngaoundere.

They were arrested, thanks to tips and investigations carried out by the Gendarmerie. The men with an average age of 22 years, currently under custody have been presented to the media.

Another gang of seven specialised in the theft of motorcycles after killing the bike owners in most of their operations was also neutralised. All they suspects were also presented to the press.

Gendarmerie Officers in Ngaoundere have saluted the cooperation of the local population that help in trafficking down the suspects. They have called for stronger cooperation which strengthens the proximity Gendarmerie mission.