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Infos Business of Thursday, 22 December 2016

Source: businessincameroon.com

New projects to benefit from law on promoting private investment in Cameroon

The Cameroonian government just signed agreements with seven companies sponsoring projects which will benefit from the 2013 law on the promotion of private investment in the Republic of Cameroon.

These projects, we learned, should be implemented in sectors such as food industry, manufacturing industry, logging, hotels and housing.

Worth a total of FCfa 94.5 billion, the new investments will lead to the creation of more than 2,000 jobs; thus bringing to over 32,000 jobs and more than FCFA 1,000 billion the commitments of job creation and investments made by the beneficiaries of this law since its coming into force.

As a reminder, the 2013 law on promoting private investment in the Republic of Cameroon grants exemptions of 5 to 10 years to companies, in the installation as well as the production phase.