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Actualités of Monday, 13 June 2016

Source: The Median Newspaper

New Pan-Africanist drive made public in Yaounde

The international nongovernmental organization known as nouveaux droit de l’homme in collaboration with 10 other partner African countries, have launched a new fight for the protection and promotion of human rights and liberties.

The campaign titled ‘mon union africaine’ is a new pan-africanist platform designed to encourage African governments ratify human rights charters of the African union and to mobilize Africans to ensure government implementation of ratified AU conventions.

In pursuit of this objective,10 African countries including Tunisia, Malawi, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ghana, Mozambique, Kenya, Senegal, south Africa and Cameroon have come together to engage in an international tour to mobilize Africans and youths most particularly to get practically involve in the making and implementation of development policies.

Within 10 days of activities to mark the launch in Cameroon, representatives and participants through a variety of activities including a sportive march, sensitization campaigns, forums, conferences and cultural displays showcased their love for Africa.

Talking to the press, Mr. victor Nyambock the Kenyan representative, pointed out that their main objective equally included, to re-awaken Africans to fight for a better tomorrow by getting them informed on the activities of the African union especially as concerns the dissemination of the AU youth charter and the charter on human rights and democracy.

Partners however applauded the efforts of the Cameroon government in fostering democracy and the wellbeing of citizens especially through health financing and the promotion of electoral credibility. They also appreciated the massive mobilization of Cameroonians in support of this new ideology.

The campaign that officially started on the international scene in Ethiopia on March 17,2015, ended in Yaoundé in an African night show at ‘Place St Josue’ recently.