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Culture of Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Source: culturebene.com/kinnakasblog.com

Miss Cameroon 2016 finally addresses the US visa saga

Julie Cheugeu,Miss Cameroun 2016 Julie Cheugeu,Miss Cameroun 2016

In light of allegations of gross misconduct and indiscipline on her part, which is also the alleged reason why the US Embassy refused to issue her a visa to participate in the Miss World 2016 Contest. Miss Cameroon 2016, Julie Frankline Cheugueu Nguimfack has finally addressed the saga that has been making headlines for a few days now.

In a three page press release written in French, Miss Julie accused the Committee of Miss Cameroon (COMICA) of writing to the US embassy, telling them they were not sure she would return to Cameroon after the Miss World 2016 contest. She also announced she will be hosting a live internet press conference on Thursday December 1, 2016, where she will answer whatever questions the public have for her.

Check the translated and original version of the press release below....



For some days now, the Cameroonian public has been assisting at the mediatic plots against my physical person(Julie Cheugeu), against what they chose to present as my moral person(Miss Cameroon 2016). We have all assisted at the calumnious declarations, coated with much ignorance of the real facts, and especially animated with the desire to tarnish my image of "Miss Cameroon 2016" (which I am and which I will always be), while trying to soil the reputation of my humble personality.

All these campaigns that has been deployed in medias like the Social Networks have hurt and continues to hurt me and the image of our dear and beautiful country. I have been carefully observing each attitude, listening to each word, and especially meditating on the 'why' and the 'hows' of what is being done.

My silence was not a sign of weakness, but rather a measure of wisdom. A wisdom that I learn daily from many friends, seniors, parents and grand parents that you all are. I therefore wish through this press release, to restore a absolute truth on the topic of the candidature of Cameroon to Miss World 2016. I also wish to clarify the communication facts surrounding my past, present and future with the Committee of Miss Cameroon (COMICA). Finally, through this press release, I wish to announce what my future mission as Miss Cameroon 2016 will be.

Knowing that a text can never replace any verbal communication, I invite you right here and now, to physically and virtually participate in a press conference I will be giving on Thursday December 1 2016, in Douala, live on the internet. During this meeting with the media and the public, I will bring all the answers to these three points:


First of all, it should be noted that the failure of the Cameroonian election of Miss World 2016 cannot be blamed to me, because I was available, on time and by means for this candidature to be successful. My decision to present myself alone to the US Embassy for the visa was indeed and ultimate step to try and save a project that the actions and and failures of COMICA had already jeopardized.

COMICA, animated by whatever game that I don't understand, had earlier written to the embassy saying they were not sure that I will return to Cameroon after the competition. COMICA did not reply to various correspondences from Miss World 2016 Committee, creating a doubting silence that forced Miss World to pull off my picture from their website, expecting that COMICA will reply them. COMICA went ahead to quickly make declarations on TV, by spreading false rumors on my pretended intentions of staying in the US after the competition.

However, in accordance with the 'Code of Conduct' binding Miss Cameroon to COMICA, the President(Solange Ingrid Amougou) was supposed to have prepared an accreditation letter for me, that would have facilitated my participation, something she refused to do. This failure is also due to the non payment of the Miss World 2016 Licence by COMICA, which amounted to 2500 $ (almost 1 500 000 F CFA).

The visa refusal was also due to the fact that COMICA refused to give me my attributes(crown and sash) for my appointment of November 21st with the Embassy.

Anxious to see the Cameroonian beauty on the podium, of Miss world, the Ministry of Culture prepared an accreditation letter for me, but it was not worthwhile because of the above mentioned reason.

That is the summary of this issue, but I will give you detail explanations during the live internet press conference of Thursday December 1, 2016.


As you all have been informed there exists a 'code of conduct' which is meant to govern the relationship between Miss Cameroon 2016 and COMICA. I wish to precise here that this code of conduct not only induces the duties, but equally covers the rights of the Miss.

In addition, this code does not only outline the responsibilities of the Miss, but it equally engages the responsibilities of COMICA. The accusations of 'absences, intransigence, stubbornness or indiscipline' that officials of COMICA are using against me have no logical nor judicial base, or better still less human. One fact is clear, there is a misunderstanding between me and COMICA.

In this situation, I have my own responsibilities that I shoulder, and which is justified by the fact that COMICA wants to politicize the actions and projects of Miss Cameroon which I, Miss Cameroon 2016, wish to stay stay far from politics and act on the social plan.

The President of COMICA does not hesitate to use the most abject names to define projects that I undertake for the children who are victims of the conflicts in the Northern part of the country.

I was, I am, and I will always be ready to collaborate with COMICA through out my mandate. I was, I am, and I will always be respectful to the 'code of conduct', but I will never give up on my dignity nor my morality.

I acknowledge that I am someone who cannot be easily manipulated. I acknowledge that I make so much use of the intelligence that the Cameroonian schools have inculcated in me, but then, what is wrong with that?.

COMICA says they no longer 'understand the behaviour of Miss Julie Cheugeu Nguimfack', and it is all a mix up because Julie Cheugeu Nguimfack does not belong to the COMICA. It is Miss Cameroon 2016 which is co-owner of COMICA and Julie Chegeu Nguimfack.

As a matter of fact, one of the clauses of the 'code of conduct' stipulates that 'all gifts received by MISS Cameroon 2016 will be shared between COMICA(50%) and Julie Cheugeu Nguimfack(50%)'. I have always asked that this principles of equitable collaboration be applied, something which COMICA has never wanted.

So, that is part of the situation on my relationship with COMICA, and during the Thursday 1st December 2016 live internet press conference, I will give more details on the chronological happening of events that has caused misunderstanding between myself and COMICA.


I have to acknowledge that the Miss World competition would have been a beautiful and great adventure to promote Cameroon, but I was not elected Miss Cameroon 2016 because of Miss World. That is why I will now have to focus on the most important issues:"the Cameroonian people, women and children especially victims of the Boko Haram war".

That is the fight I have chosen to carry out, with your help. It is a fight that I carry in my heart. The smile of every Cameroonian is my true crown as miss. Every joy given to children envelops me with a sash of happiness. They can take away the silver metal crown and the golden fabric sash from me, but they can never take away your support from me. Your smiles and joys to me are worth more than millions of crowns and sashes.

This also will be discussed in detail during the Thursday December 1, 2016 live internet press conference, where I will also give you updates of the actions that I will carry out in Cameroon for the next three months.

I wish to say a big thank you to all those supporting me near or far. I want to particularly thank my team that has been relentlessly working with me. Not even the distance nor the attacks that they received have shaken their confidence and engagements by me.

To all Cameroonians who are supporting me till the end of my mandate and beyond, I will be worthy of your confident till the end and beyond my mandate. I will be faithful to my engagements towards the weak and the little, till the end and beyond my mandate, I will be Miss Cameroon 2016.

'Let's not wait for change. Let's be the change. Together we stand'.

Done in Douala, the 28th of November 2016.

Julie Chegueu Nguimfack, Miss Cameroon 2016