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Politique of Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Mbouda CPDM renews basic party organs

Jean-Claude Mbwentchou Jean-Claude Mbwentchou

Politicians in Bamboutos honored the appointment Saturday at the party House of Mbouda. On the occasion of the launch of operations for the renewal of basic organs of the Cameroonian People Democratic Movement (CPDM).

The president of the departmental Coordinating Committee, Jean-Claude Mbwentchou, urged Bamboutos activists to designate officials who enjoy genuine legitimacy.

The choice of the new leaders of the CPDM in the Bamboutos must be according to criteria of objectivity, impartiality, availability, fidelity to the ideals of the party, convincing services, taking account of all kind.

For Jean-Claude Mbwentchou, they must have met up with all their contributions on the basis of a valid political base. For those of the members of the committees who have expressed intentions of withdrawal, they must materialize in writing no later than last Monday.

The actors of the process at the base have been committed to honesty, transparency and respect for the role of everyone. Focus will also be on security so that polling the take place in all serenity.

According to the schedule of activities, operations range from October 10 to November 22, date of writing reports and depositing to the regional commission.

The ceremony ended with the reading of a motion of support from the elites of Bamboutos, to the president of the Republic, Paul Biya, followed by a march in the arteries of the city of Mbouda.