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Politique of Friday, 15 July 2016

Source: The Post Newspaper

Maurice Kamto promises to stop Anglophone marginalisation

The National Chairman of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement, CRM, Professor Maurice Kamto, has promised to the party’s militants in the Northwest Region of Cameroon, to debate with all stakeholders and arrive at a long-lasting solution to the Anglophone marginalisation and assimilation and to give a listening ear to the cry of the Southern Cameroon National Council, SCNC, if the Northwest vote for his party in 2018.

The CRM Chairman was talking during the grand launch of the party at theBamenda Commercial Avenue grandstand recently.

The National Secretary of the party, Christopher Ndong, posed a number of questions (problems that plague the Region) to the Chairman. The party Scribe requested to know how the party will solve the Anglophone problem which is primordial, road problems such as the Ring Road, lack of potable water, electricity problems, unemployment and others.

In response, Kamto said; “All Cameroonians are one in this great nation and none should be looked upon as a second-class citizen.”

He said he will convene a roundtable conference where all will debate and make the Anglophone problem a thing of the past.

“I shall fight against all forms of marginalisation and assimilation of Anglophones in this country and bring peace and unity in this our Motherland,” he re-assured the population.

He also promised to give priority to the tarring of roads. All subdivisions will be linked because, “where a road goes, development follows,” the CRM Chairman said. Education of the youths will be re-enforced, employment opportunities will be available

The Chair of the party, which has as motto; “Work- Justice and Prosperity,” said “500,000 jobs will be created in the field of agriculture,” explaining that, “in all of this, the Northwest will be given particular attention for its great role in building our country Cameroon.”

Prof. Kamto called on Cameroonians, in general, and Northwesterners, in particular, to register massively for the 2018 elections, for it is the only way through which the regime can be changed and CRM given its place.

The President of the Organising Committee of the party, Peter Achu, called on the Chairman to appoint CRM leaders in all seven divisions of the Northwest. He equally called on him to work with level-headedness “as tomorrow’s success begins today.”