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Actualités Régionales of Thursday, 24 March 2016

Source: kmersaga.com

Marijuana business booms in Soa

For several years, the suburbs of Sao, a locality situated 13 kilometers away from Yaounde is hijacked by drug traffickers.

From the columns of Mutations No. 4110 of Tuesday, March 22, 2016, there’s news that the Indian hemp traffic makes its nest not far from the Mayor of the City of Soa, 13 km from the city of Yaounde.

The University of Soa is plagued by the sale of this drug. From a well-introduced source, a point of palm wine sales is a cover for traffickers. “The coordinator of hemp for Soa, a former BIR member is also a weapons trafficker, we learn.

Local authorities, police, military, students and civilians on all sides come to buy here. The coordinator is constantly in motion, he’s a Rastaman, who handles sales with a few cronies, “says the source.

Traffickers supply approximately 13 consumers of all kinds, every half hour, they say. Peak hours would be around 9:00 AM in the morning and 3:00 pm . Within 48 hours, the newspaper observed that subscribers parked their vehicles more than 100 meters from the point of palm wine sales.

The seller perfectly knows his customers will not ask them what they want. He comes out with a package carefully wrapped in a paper as mere “poff Poff”. “The Rastaman takes care to wrap the hemp into small packages of 200 FCFA. It is the packaging that occupies him when he is not outside. “

Women and students also are supplied by the “Rastaman“. They never shake his hand empty. According to Norbert Mva, Public Safety Commissioner of this subdivision, the trafficker is well known to law enforcement services.

“This Rastaman has already been referred several times to Mfou. With him, justice does not help us. We do not understand by what miracle he is still released, “said the Commissioner.“

The next time he will fall through the cracks of the security forces, he will be transferred to the Regional Division of the Judicial Police (DRPJ) for the Centre” promises Commissioner Norbert Mva.