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Politique of Saturday, 26 March 2016

Source: kmersaga.com

MPs ask Paul Biya for vehicles

Some observers of the Cameroonian political scene saw the first parliamentary session of 2016 as decisive. This in view of the very strong possibility of a Bill amending the Constitution. So far, such a bill has not yet been placed on the table of MPs.

To believe Le Jour of March 24, 2016, they wrote a letter addressed to the President of the National Assembly with a copy to the president of the republic to demand vehicles.

In this correspondence which collected 103 signatures, we read: “High Honourable President, we, MPs signatories of this present correspondent, just respectfully with your kindness seek financial allocation for the maintenance of our vehicles. Indeed, the allocation of 10,000,000 FCFA we received in 2014 could only allow us to buy used vehicles of eight-year-old or even 10 to 15 years of age.

Today, these vehicles are no longer able to serve Members in their multiple missions Hence the need for us to address this concern to you so you can unlock the vehicle maintenance endowment to half of the initial endowment of 2014 “.

The newspaper points out in this regard that “according to an MP met yesterday, the correspondence addressed to the President of the National Assembly is justified by the release this month of March in the amount of 600 million CFA francs for the allocation of vehicles“.

The wrath of the MPs comes from discrimination in the sharing. “But instead of the money to be distributed to the 180 MPs, only 23, who are members of the office, have benefited, from it.“

The MP approached by Le Jour said: “Our room has two assemblies, one for 23 MPs and another for the 157 others. We can’t monitor government actions because we do not have any vehicles. The National Assembly has a budget of 18 billion per year, only 23 people have the opportunity to benefit from endowments vehicles, this is an injustice, “he stormed.