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Actualités Régionales of Monday, 18 April 2016

Source: alafnet.com

Kumbo water crisis escalates

*Saying “Their King is always right, their Fon is infallible, the views of 95% of the population backed by the Fon’s should be the rule of Law, Water Scheme must be audited and that overzealousness from some unscrupulous individuals gullible in their reason will not be tolerated”

*”Taking the Nso Fon\people to the Courts & the Judicial Police will lead the Mayor’s gang to nowhere” Maitre Joseph Akuwiyadze Legal Council of the Nso People

*The Decentralization Law applies to wells, boer holes & not community Water Schemes

The passage of every days in the history of Nso from the very first day the Kumbo Water crisis erupted some three years back has given room for the situation to escalate and magnify in momentum daily as each party on every blessed day device means to victimize the other in order to safe faces.

Knowing very well that the genesis of it all stems from the fact that the Mayor of Kumbo Njong Donatus following the Decentralization Law had to take over management of the water Scheme to the annoyance of the Village added to mismanagement problems that has since rocked or characterized the scheme.

The scene of the project remained a battleground between Njong, the people of Nso and their Paramount Fon Sehn Mbinglo. This to the people is sacrilegious and obviously warrants the extradition of the Mayor for being power drunk.

Fourteen complains against fourteen suspects who showed up at the Bamenda Judicial Police on this blessed day on charges of destruction of pipes, disconnection of meters and looting of properties, engineered by the orchestrators of the Kumbo Water Crisis has caused the Nso Man a lot, reasons why they had to come out as one mobilizing resources to fight back at those who have decided to reduce the Nso crown to zero from the mammoth crowd that turn out to accompany the 14 suspects.

The situation, according to the people and their Legal Council Barrister Joseph of Akuwiyadze Law Firm tantamount to dragging the reputation of the Nso Fondom in mud, for the Fon to be called before the courts and the Fon’s followers summoned before the police for interrogation as they explained to this Reporter at the Bamenda Judicial police and at the” Nfou House” respectively on April 15, 2016, is not what should be tolerated or taken lying down.

It should be noted that the Governor Adolph Lele L’Afrique and the SDO for Bui Nzette Theophile long asked the Mayor and his own Management Authority to reach a consensus with the Fon under whose authority the water scheme was kept since creation.

Unfortunately, both parties till date haves been unable to reach a consensus as both institution run a separate management authority, one put up by the Mayor and the other by the Fon and NSODA with the office in the Palace supported by over 95% of the population.

The way forward as we report, information avails that rival parties have taken too much in their hands and are over exceedingly becoming too overzealous to the liking of the Nso Man.

Reasons why NSODA is teaming up to come up with a collective plan on how to sanction those at the centre of the crisis for the betterment and sustenance of the project.

The audits over the water scheme must be conducted irrespective of the cut-throat 32 million that was charged by the audit firm solicited as a means to discourage audit.