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Actualités Criminelles of Sunday, 1 November 2015

Source: The Post Newspaper

Kumba: Woman beheaded on disputed farm land

The body of a woman whose name The Post got as Priscilla Tamba, is currently lying at the Kumba District Hospital Mortuary after she was beheaded by yet-to-be-identified persons.

Her head was found chopped off from the body on a disputed farm land in Mabonji, Buea Road - a village on the outskirts of Kumba, in the early hours of October 25.

Tamba’s assailants are said to have manhandled her before finally cutting off her head from the body and later dumped it along the road.

According to a notable in Mabonji, who spoke to The Post on condition of anonymity, the deceased, who hails from the Bamumbo clan in Lebialem Division, left for the farm on Saturday, but did not return home on time.

The notable, who said the deceased is between the ages of 27 and 28, explained that the incident might have happened between 6.00pm and 7.00pm of that Saturday.

The notable said, in the meantime, there has been no clue as to who her killers are, but maintained that the appropriate administrative and judicial quarters have been contacted.

Brother Of Deceased Detained

The Post gathered that, as the corpse of the deceased was being prepared to be preserved in the mortuary pending investigations, a brother of Tamba’s, went rowdy stating that the family was not capable of handling the mortuary bills, was arrested.

Officials of the Legal Department are reported to have ordered his arrest to help strengthen the investigations on what must have happened to the sister.

Disputed Farm Land Owned By MP?

While no official information has been made available regarding the farm on which Tamba was killed, the rumour mill has been active with information that the said farm is owned by a Member of Parliament in the Southwest Region.

Another version linking the said farmland to a lawmaker states that one of the parties reportedly bought the farmland and leased it to the other to farm and developed it for 10 years.

Trouble reportedly sparked after one of the parties discovered that the person to whom the farm was leased had compiled and obtained ownership documents for the same farmland.

In the meantime, the Meme Legal Department has opened investigations into the gruesome murder incident, while the population of Mabonji remains trapped in shock following the act.