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Infos Business of Thursday, 25 August 2016

Source: crtv.cm

Kribi seaport: 3 pioneer officials to increase economic growth

The called was made by the Minister of Transport Edgard Alain Mebe Ngo’o while installing them as Board Chair, Director General and Deputy Director General, following a presidential decree.

The installation ceremony took place this 23rd August 2016 just after the first Board meeting of the Kribi Deep Seaport.

Simo Djonou Jean Paul is the first Board Chair, Melom Patrice Bathelemy the first Director General and Bako Arouna the first Deputy Director General of the Kribi Deep Seaport.

The three officials have been Challenged to make the port go operational immediately, facilitate commercial exchanges by reducing cost and delays, making it a reference in the Central African Sub-Region, and the Gulf of Guinea.

51year old Simo Djonou Jean Paul before his appointment as Board Chair was a senior state official who served at the General secretariat of the Presidency; Melom Patrice Bathelemy - 55-year-old and statistical engineer, who served 2012 as the coordinator of the operational unit of the Kribi deep Seaport, and the Deputy Director General Bako Arouna - 55year old is a renown Magistrate, who until his appointment was Procureur General of the Court of Appeal in the West Region.