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Politique of Thursday, 2 June 2016

Source: crtv.cm

June 2016 Parliamentary session begins today

Preparations have intensified following the second Ordinary session of Parliament slated for Thursday,June 2, 2016, in Yaounde.

The Cameroon Conference which is the meeting point for the Senators and the Ngoa-ekele Glass house where the Parliamentarians meet are all undergoing serious cleaning and refurbishing.

in the meeting points, the chairs have been arranged, carpets washed, sound systems and air conditioners checked.

At the National Assembly, a preparatory meeting based on the evaluation of the last parliamentary session was held on the May 24, 2016, so to avoid any repeated error towards the 2016 June sesssion.

Logistics, recreational facilities etc have all been put in place in both Parliament and Senate to ensure a hitch-free session.