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Diasporia News of Thursday, 4 February 2016

Source: jakartaglobe.beritasatu.com

Jakarta police arrest Cameroonian in fake money bust

Police in South Jakarta have arrested a Cameroon national suspected of being part of an international counterfeit money syndicate, officials said on Wednesday.

Njamien Hilarie, 50, was apprehended on Jan. 29 at a boarding house in Pasar Minggu subdistrict during a joint operation by police and the local immigration office.

In the house, officers found 44 pieces of paper resembling $100 notes, 11 bottles of glue, a bottle of dye, a hair dryer and four buckets, among other pieces of evidence.

“These are believed to have been used to make counterfeit money,” said Comr. Zaky Alkazar Nasution, chief of the Pasar Minggu Police.

“But we are still investigating further, and the evidence will be sent to the forensics lab.”

The suspect may be a member of an international counterfeit money ring, Zaky said, adding he could face six years in jail if found guilty.

Njamien could also face deportation as he has overstayed his residence permit, said Toto Suryanto of the South Jakarta Immigration Office.

“He has lived in Indonesia for six years, and has overstayed for more than 60 days.”